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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Search an element in a collection ("member of")

If we have to search for an element inside a collection (nested table), we often tend use a for loop and compare each element in the array.
Instead we can make use of inbuilt feature of Nested table "member of":
This searches whether the element exists inside the collection or not and returns True or False.

Below is a small example:

type TYPJOB is table of varchar2(100); -- Nested Table type
v_srch_str varchar2(100) := 'CLERK';
select job bulk collect into V_TYPJOB from EMP;
if (V_SRCH_STR member of V_TYPJOB) then
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_srch_str || '--exists inside the Collection');
dbms_output.put_line(v_srch_str || '--doesnt exists inside the Collection');
end if;

This will be pretty useful if the collection size is large.